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January 11

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W E L C O M E   T O

Historic Riverview Cemetery

Riverview Cemetery, a Victorian garden cemetery, traces its 1872 origin to the benevolent societies of the Knights of Pythias and Independent Order of Odd Fellows. It consists of 42 acres spanning both sides of Market Street in Wilmington, DE. Surrounded by homes, churches, and small businesses, Riverview Cemetery is a beautiful "green space" in the city. This historic, affordable, and active burial ground remains available for people of all social, ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds.

Please consider donating to Riverview Cemetery now!

Stories of the Stones

Meet some of the people interred at Riverview Cemetery

Rebirth of the

Baby Garden

A volunteer success story

Mailing Address: Friends of Historic Riverview Cemetery • 3300 North Market Street Wilmington, DE 19802-2730 • 302 762 4705


Cemeteries are Cities of Stone

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