3300 North Market Street • Wilmington, Delaware 19802

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Friends of Historic Riverview Cemetery assemble for their First Annual Meeting, May 2009, at VFW Post Hall 2907
Friends of Historic Riverview Cemetery
By the end of the last century, Riverview Cemetery had fallen to mismanagement, neglect and vandalism. A group of dedicated volunteers formed to reclaim and restore this historic treasure, discovering along the way fascinating stories of the people who were buried there and whose lives and work developed and shaped the character of Wilmington during the 19th and 20th centuries.
On January 30, 2009, Friends of Historic Riverview Cemetery, Inc., a 501 c/3 non-profit organization assumed ownership of the cemetery with the mission to operate and maintain Wilmington's
most culturally diverse, non-profit, public cemetery, and to support
its restoration and preservation. Volunteers and community partners are critical to fulfilling this mission.
On July 3, 2012, Riverview Cemetery was placed on the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior and is recognized as the first Delaware cemetery so honored on its own merit. The National Register is the official list of districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering and culture that are worthy of preservation.

The team responsible for getting Riverview Cemetery on the National Register of Historic Places. Back, l-r: Cheryl Markiewicz, Jay Brady, Katharine Olinchak Front, l-r: Libbie Hawes, Gretchen Broadwater

Dr. Lee Anderson receives 2010
Governor's Outstanding
Volunteer Award
from Delaware Governor,
Jack Markell

Mr. Tedd Cocker
receives 2014
Volunteer Award
from Delaware
Jack Markell

Become a Member of FHRC!
Lifetime Member at $300, $500, or $1000 levels or renew annually at the $30, $50, or $125 levels.
We invite you to join or renew your membership with the Friends of Historic Riverview Cemetery. We believe that together we can restore and preserve this historic and much loved cemetery. All money is used for cemetery projects and lifetime memberships are invested in the endowment fund at Delaware Community Foundation.
Visit our Contact Us page to join